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By Bobby Jindal and Heidi Overton Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are willing to endanger women, children, and parents to advance their radical policies. Kamala Harris chose a running mate who is as extreme on children’s health care as she is. Democrat vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz describes his state of Minnesota […]

By Bobby Jindal and Hannah I. Anderson Kamala Harris’ radical ideas would put the government in charge of health care instead of doctors Kamala Harris is a lifelong liberal with a health care platform to the left of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton combined. She promised that “Medicare-for-all is our goal” and committed to abolish […]

By Bobby Jindal and Hannah I. Anderson Kamala Harris’ radical ideas would put the government in charge of health care instead of doctors Kamala Harris is a lifelong liberal with a health care platform to the left of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton combined. She promised that “Medicare-for-all is our goal” and committed to abolish […]

In The News

Biden-Harris aided illegal immigrants and made Americans pay for it

  • August 2, 2024
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Hannah I. Anderson Six states and DC use financial gimmicks to make Americans pay for illegal immigrant healthcare It was at the top of the agenda at the GOP convention: 12 million illegal immigrants have entered the country over the last four years. Cities from Denver to New York City have […]

By Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich The American people are waking up to President Joe Biden and the Democrats’ healthcare failures. Recent polling by America’s New Majority Project, a project of Gingrich 360, shows that 59% of voters say healthcare has become more expensive under Biden, 59% say health insurance has become more expensive, and […]

In The News

Biden Sabotages Medicare Advantage

  • April 9, 2024
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Charlie Katebi President Biden accuses Republicans of seeking to cut Medicare. In his 2025 budget proposal to Congress, Mr. Biden vowed to “reject any efforts to cut or undermine the Medicare or Social Security benefits that seniors and people with disabilities have earned and paid into their entire working lives.” That’s […]

 By Bobby Jindal and Steve Beshear Even the most well-intentioned government actions risk backfiring when undertaken without due care and deliberation. Incremental, focused change helps ensure outcomes that align with the best interests of citizens. As former state governors, one a Democrat and one a Republican, we understand that principle, one we worked to make […]

In The News

5 steps toward a fresh approach to health care reform

  • February 21, 2024
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich These 5 fresh principles for health care reform will resonate across party lines As the cost of living continues to be a crucial concern for voters, there’s an urgent need for candidates to present viable solutions for making health care both affordable and accessible. Here are five fresh principles […]

In The News

Affordable prescription drugs need bipartisan patent reform

  • February 15, 2024
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Charlie Katebi Like food, gas, and other essential products, the public is now paying more for prescription drugs than ever before. In January alone, drug manufacturers raised the price of more than 910 major brand-name drugs by 5% on average, according to the drug price nonprofit 46Brooklyn Research. Between 2011 and […]

In The News

To Make Health Care Affordable, Give Patients Choices

  • January 25, 2024
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal & Heidi Overton Affordability is on the mind of every American in 2024. From groceries to gas, Americans are spending more. Health care is no different, especially for those with costly medical conditions and high deductibles who started back at $0 of their “deductible met” on January 1. Health care affordability was […]

In The News

The root causes of our illiberal higher education system

  • December 18, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

Americans repulsed by college students harassing Jewish students were more horrified when the adults in charge refused before Congress to condemn calls for Jewish genocide as a violation of their codes of conduct and suggested the words were fine until acted upon. Three university presidents responded to a congressional query about calls for “intifada” with […]

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4 ways to repeal Obamacare

  • December 13, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

Republicans should pursue incremental changes to Obamacare that empower patients not bureaucrats After previous elections highlighted the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare. Republicans are eager to move on from healthcare to more favorable political terrain like fiscal management and national security. Obamacare has grown more popular and Republican voters are less excited about repealing […]

In The News

The Left’s Attacks on Mike Johnson Can Only Backfire

  • November 21, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal Liberal Democrats and their allies in the media are beside themselves. The new U.S. House speaker, Mike Johnson (R-La.), must be ridiculed because he simply does not fit into refined Washington culture. He supports Donald Trump, an absolute no-no. He thinks Democrats cheat on elections, tsk-tsk. He is a barbarian who thinks […]

In The News

After 20 successful years, HSAs in need of modernization

  • October 23, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal  & Newt Gingrich Even with the successes, it is time to update and modernize Health Savings Accounts Twenty years ago this December, President George W. Bush signed the bipartisan Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003. In addition to creating the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit, the bill created […]

In The News

Revolutionizing rural healthcare: The untapped power of virtual care

  • September 20, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal  & Justin Schreiber For more than 46 million people who live in rural areas, a growing healthcare crisis is looming as more than 600 rural hospitals across the United States stand at risk of closing. While ensuring healthcare access for these remote but critical communities has long been a challenge, the growing […]

In The News

Competition cures high drug costs

  • September 14, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Charlie Katebi Prescription drug costs have skyrocketed and become a growing financial burden, but the White House ’s drug price controls will not solve the drug affordability crisis. However, they will threaten the development of future cures and harm patient health . The Biden administration recently announced the first drugs subject […]

In The News

Doctor’s Office Care at Hospital Prices

  • July 27, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Charlie Katebi Consolidation of medical practices brings dishonest billing that costs patients and taxpayers billions. Each year, millions of patients visit their doctors’ offices for a variety of routine services. But in recent years, more Americans are being charged as if they had visited a hospital. And it is because the […]

In The News

Affirmative Action Bred Hypocrisy and Victimhood

  • July 18, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal The Supreme Court’s decision gives conservatives an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to merit. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision striking down affirmative action in college admissions, liberals have vowed to find workarounds. Conservatives must continue to make the case for merit as the logical organizing principle for America. The […]

By Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich Republicans already proved work requirements are smart. Medicaid plan lowers debt, improves health The House GOP’s Limit, Save, Grow Act to raise the debt ceiling contains within it a vitally important reform — work requirements for able-bodied adults to qualify for Medicaid. While the Congressional Budget Office estimates the Medicaid […]

In The News

Mammograms Can Promote Heart Health

  • April 27, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Chirag Parghi Fifty years of technological advancement revolutionized the treatment of heart attacks and increased survival rates, but heart disease remains the nation’s leading cause of death for women. While we have made dramatic progress, efforts to prevent heart disease have been disappointing, especially for women. Yet a standard feature of women’s […]

In The News

Congress Can Help Reduce Surprise Medical Bills

  • March 2, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Neil Gheewala The Biden administration and Congress have made multiple efforts to crack down on “Surprise Medical Bills” to protect patients from exorbitant out-of-network bills during emergency services. These efforts are a positive step, but are incomplete. Patients are still frequently surprised and frustrated by outpatient fees that differ markedly between […]

By Bobby Jindal Any candidate offering themselves to lead our nation should expect harsh scrutiny, and everything seems like fair game in modern campaigns. Candidates once expected the media and voters to respect personal matters as out of bounds, but that zone of privacy shrinks smaller and smaller with each campaign—especially as candidates share more and […]

In The News

Modernize Medicare Without Cutting Benefits or Raising Taxes

  • February 24, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich Crack down on fraud, practice preventive medicine, establish site-neutral payment policies, and other lessons from the 1990s. Let’s begin with three indisputable facts. First, the Medicare hospital trust fund is projected to run out of money in 2028, triggering a 10% payment cut for medical providers that will get larger […]

In The News

Preserving Access to Rural Cardiac Care

  • January 26, 2023
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Neil Gheewala Americans living in small rural communities take great pride in their hometowns. When it comes to their health care, America’s 46 million rural residents want access to basic care within their own communities. Inflation, poor fiscal performance, and a lack of political leadership threaten that access. More than 500 […]

By Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich What Americans want from health care coverage is peace of mind Polls show that Americans trust Democrats over Republicans on health care more than any other issue. However, they also show that conservative health care solutions, such as price transparency and increasing choice and competition to lower prices, are […]

In The News

The Day After Democrats Lose

  • November 4, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal The day after Election Day, once it’s clear Democrats have lost seats in Congress, much of the media will undoubtedly lecture Republicans about the importance of embracing bipartisanship and moderation. It will advise Republicans to ignore the two years of Democratic overreach that fueled voters’ frustration and that won the GOP so […]

By Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich Conservatives must ground health care reforms in fairness, compassion, and equality Over the past five years, conservatives have advanced significant health policy reforms. Federal and state price transparency requirements are saving patients money and helping to protect against surprise bills, and legislation in Texas has increased patient and employer […]

In The News

Republicans shouldn’t fear Dobbs abortion decision

  • September 23, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal Republicans panicked that abortion will ruin their November prospects can learn from Obamacare . Passing that legislation cost President Barack Obama control of the House of Representatives — and the ability to pass significant legislation. Backlash against the massive increase in government spending gave birth to the Tea Party and helped Republicans […]

In The News

Republicans Should Embrace Grace

  • September 20, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal Despite their protests to the contrary, Democrats seem determined to keep Donald Trump at the center of the nation’s political stage. From the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago to Joe Biden’s recent speech at Independence Hall excoriating Trump’s followers, if the current administration wanted to ensure Trump is the 2024 Republican nominee, this […]

In The News

A Revolution Is Coming in Heart-Disease Treatment

  • August 2, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal and Neil M. Gheewala A cancer-care revolution that started in the 1980s is spreading to cardiac care. In the 1980s, cancer was treated almost exclusively in hospital settings. These days, more than 80% of all cancer care happens in community outpatient centers, which achieve better outcomes, keep costs low, and offer a […]

In The News

Democrats See Republicans as the Enemy, Not As Loyal Opposition

  • July 28, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal Democrats have long portrayed Donald Trump as a singular threat to democracy, who deserves to be driven from the public square and polite company. Their contempt has rested on ever-changing rationales—from crude behavior and tweets to Russian collaboration to the January 6th attack. It seems Democrats would much rather look backwards than […]

In The News

Republicans Must Learn to ‘Compromise’ Like Democrats

  • July 11, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal Joe Biden campaigned on his ability to restore comity to Washington, D.C., work across party lines, and put nation above party. He did the exact opposite after his election. The press conveniently forgot his campaign promises, subordinating them to the need to confront a series of supposed existential crises—saving humanity from COVID-19, […]

In The News

President Biden Has Governed from the Radical Left

  • February 2, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal President Joe Biden immodestly claims he has accomplished more in his first year than his predecessors. He does admit his failures, namely his inability to cause Republicans to have an “epiphany” and endorse his expansive climate, spending and immigration proposals. He sounds more like a college applicant who claims his greatest shortcoming […]

In The News

Thank You, Sean Payton, For Bringing Back New Orleans With Football

  • February 2, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal In 1966, the American Football League and National Football League wanted an anti-trust exemption from Congress allowing them to merge. Sen. Russell Long, chairman of the Finance Committee, and Rep. Hale Boggs, House majority whip, wanted a professional football team for Louisiana. The leagues got their exemption, and NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle […]

In The News

Ending the COVID-19 emergency

  • January 17, 2022
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  • By Team Jindal

by Bobby Jindal & Heidi Overton “When will the emergency end?” Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked during the Supreme Court’s recent vaccine mandates hearing. The nation is asking the same question. This is a pivotal moment in the two-year pandemic. Omicron has created record-high daily cases, but severe outcomes are fewer, ushering in a new […]

In The News

Democrats Shouldn’t Build Back Bitter

  • December 23, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Manchin’s ‘no’ is a chance for Biden to return to his campaign promise of bipartisan reconciliation. Democrats blame Sen. Joe Manchin for sinking their ship by announcing he’ll oppose the Build Back Better bill. They should give him credit for saving them, and the nation, from themselves. Now that they’ve failed to bully him, they […]

In The News

In 2022, It’s the Culture, Stupid Copy Copy

  • November 23, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Democrats’ economic overreach is bad enough, but it isn’t the Republicans’ most effective line of attack. Governor Bobby Jindal, Former Governor of Louisiana, and Chairman of the Center for a Healthy America at America First Policy Institute, discuss his newest op-ed highlighting the relationship between healthcare and higher education, where he says that education needs […]

In The News

States can provide Obamacare relief without repeal

  • November 11, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

The Affordable Care Act shifted power from state insurance commissioners and consumers to the federal government. This has resulted in less affordable care. After falsely promising people they could keep their health plans, President Barack Obama responded to the ensuing political backlash by letting people renew their “grandmothered” plans bought after the ACA was signed […]

In The News

The Trump Republicans’ Lessons for Democrats

  • October 19, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal and Alex Castellanos Both parties often mistake voter frustration with the other team for devotion to their own cause. Hungry true believers tend to energize political parties, but their habit of putting purity above pragmatism leads to impatience with moderate colleagues. Eventually the young purists cannibalize the majorities they need to govern. […]

Governor Bobby Jindal, Former Governor of Louisiana, and Chairman of the Center for a Healthy America at America First Policy Institute, discuss his newest op-ed highlighting the relationship between healthcare and higher education, where he says that education needs to be like the Healthcare system, which as ‘adapted’ saying, Parents need to be demanding ‘price […]

Lawmakers need to pay attention to what’s actually going on in Senator Sanders’s proposal and the harm it would do to health-care outcomes. By BOBBY JINDAL & TIM PHILLIPS By this point, it should surprise no one that, when lawmakers in Washington propose one spending item, they are speaking about another — and often several […]

In The News

The Danger of Expanding Medicare

  • September 9, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

It would reduce the quality of care and strain the program’s finances. Moderate Democrats like Sens. John Breaux of Louisiana and Bob Kerrey of Nebraska once favored gradually raising the Medicare eligibility age to help ensure the program’s financial sustainability. But few of them are left in Congress. Today the “moderate” Democratic position is that […]

In The News

Texas Provides a Model for Conservative Healthcare Reform

  • July 26, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Republicans passed a package of market-friendly laws to expand access and increase competition. The Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the federal government couldn’t force states to expand Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act. Ever since, Democrats and hospital lobbyists have looked for ways to push state legislators to let able-bodied adults earning […]

In The News

Biden’s Shrewd Infrastructure Strategy

  • July 14, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

The split bill is good for him. It complicates life and minimizes losses for congressional Democrats. President Biden’s insistence on splitting his infrastructure package into two bills—one bipartisan, the second to be passed along party lines—is good for him but will make life complicated for congressional Democrats. Mr. Biden can get credit for trying to […]

In The News

Republicans Can Lead on Healthcare Reform

  • July 2, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

They’re out of power in Washington, but in state capitals they can show they have real solutions. With the Supreme Court having (unsurprisingly) upheld ObamaCare again, Republicans are playing defense on health policy in Washington. Advancing conservative health-policy principles at the state level—where they have majority control in 30 legislatures—allows Republicans to advance federalism while […]

What is unique about COVID that brought this new left religiosity to the fore? When the first documented COVID case appeared in the United States 16 months ago, few would have predicted the religious revival it ignited. Unlike the four previous Great Awakenings that expanded Christianity’s American footprint, this revival exposed what now is the […]

In The News

Immigration Without Assimilation Is Just Invasion

  • June 4, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

To begin to fix immigration, we must agree the American identity is worth preserving and then work to build an immigration system that nourishes it. Can Washington discuss immigration without devolving into a debate about racism? If we lay down our Twitter weapons, perhaps we could discuss what kind of immigration we need. Should we […]

In The News

Conservatives struggle against new liberal orthodoxy

  • June 4, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

As America becomes more secular and pluralistic, conservatives are fighting a rearguard battle to protect their rights to speak, worship, and participate in the public square. Some have suggested that conservatives isolate themselves, promising not to offend if left alone. At the same time, ascendant liberals are seizing the opportunity to consolidate their hold on […]

In The News

Biden’s Trojan Horse

  • May 5, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Biden promised normalcy, but he is trying to restructure nearly every aspect of American society and the economy as part of the progressives’ moral crusade. Biden’s third run for the White House was successful because of who he is not. He won the primary by not being Bernie Sanders and the general by not being […]

In The News

Fundamentalist Liberals Are Making COVID Worse

  • May 3, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

As increasingly secular liberals find more and more meaning in politics, they are becoming increasingly fundamentalist. Liberals are adopting the same rigid approach they decry in others, refusing to compromise, consider alternative viewpoints, or even view their beliefs as falsifiable. Importing this religious fervor into policy debates renders liberals incapable of considering proportionality, cost-benefit analyses, […]

In The News

This isn’t your parents’ Democratic Party

  • April 18, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Joe Biden projects a calm, moderate demeanor. He is aided by a lifetime spent in Washington, an acquiescent media, and the marked contrast with Donald Trump’s volatility. While Trump’s outsize personality attracted constant media attention and caused his critics and admirers to overestimate the significance of his policies, Biden’s aides have adopted an intentionally understated […]

In The News

Covid Provides a Rare Chance to Transform Public Education

  • April 10, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

In post-Katrina New Orleans, Louisiana built a system that serves the needs of students, not adults.   The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into focus a stark choice: Will we respond to the enormous disruption of schools by rethinking education, or will we double down on an outdated industrial-age system created to prepare kids for the […]

In The News

A post-COVID reinvention of higher education

  • March 31, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

It is no secret our postsecondary institutions have floundered during the pandemic. In October of 2020, researchers confirmed that disruptions caused by the pandemic have impacted college access, with more than 40 percent of U.S. households canceling all their plans for community college and more than 15 percent of households canceling plans for four-year schooling. […]

The last year has been undeniably challenging for communities across the United States, leaving families and businesses reeling from an unprecedented one-two punch of health and economic hardships. Add to that the recent widespread power and drinking water failures that affected millions of people in the midst of extreme winter weather, and it is clear […]

  Democrats’ idyllic version of freedom is actually hedonism – the natural result of what happens when an entire movement becomes radically secularized.   When fascism comes to America, it will not be at the point of a gun. It won’t be installed by CPAC’s favorite 2024 candidate, ridiculous QAnon conspirators, or the destitute MAGA […]

In The News

Separating Trump from Trumpism is Key to the GOP’s Future

  • March 1, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Since his November loss, no one worked harder to get rid of Donald Trump than Donald Trump. Right up until the end, he was his own worst enemy. But though he left the White House under a dark cloud, facing a historic second impeachment, Trump has not been completely defeated. As long as he remains […]

In The News

Whom should Republicans fight?

  • February 27, 2021
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  • By Team Jindal

Facing a pandemic with historic health and economic consequences, a rising China, and domestic strife over rapidly changing race and gender norms, voters of all ideological backgrounds are looking for political leaders ready to fight for them. Despite President Biden’s superficial calls for unity and bipartisan deal-making, his administration is already pushing the nation’s environmental, […]

Populist Republicans think Washington elites in both parties prioritize the needs of large corporations and capital investors   When Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said “now is not the time to worry about shrinking the deficit,” during fall negotiations with Congress over COVID-19 relief legislation, many Democrats predicted Republicans would claim that time had come again […]

In The News

WATCH: Bobby Jindal on death of Luke Letlow

  • December 31, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

Former La. governor on death of Luke Letlow: ‘He would’ve been a great leader for our country’ Former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal reflects on his friendship with congressman-elect Luke Letlow, who died this week from complications due to coronavirus. Watch: Fox News

In The News

There’s More to Politics Than Policy

  • December 10, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

There’s no substitute for finding candidates who capture voters’ hearts. No, not even a 30-point plan. It is tempting to treat elections as math problems, while ignoring the art required to assemble winning coalitions. Pollsters sort data along demographic groupings, data analysts dissect precinct-level trends, and ad makers consult focus groups to craft appealing messages. […]

In The News

What Are the GOP’s Views on Health Care?

  • December 2, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

The party needs to spend the next few years doing more than opposing Medicare for All. Republicans and Democrats in Washington are stalemated on health care. Republicans long campaigned on repealing the Affordable Care Act and won House and Senate seats on the issue in 2010 and later. Democrats flipped the script in 2018 and […]

Hispanics are following generations of immigrants before them, assimilating into American culture and voting based on their beliefs, not ethnicity. Democratic strategists were euphoric after President Barack Obama’s historic victory in 2008. They had helped elect an African American president and believed they were witnessing a fundamental change in their coalition. The Democrats had replaced the culturally conservative working-class White voters […]

In The News

GOP Senate is a Blessing for Biden

  • November 9, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

He needs someone to blame when he inevitably fails to deliver what his party’s leftists want. Democrats entered Election Day assuming they would expand their House majority and flip Senate seats in Maine, South Carolina, North Carolina, Iowa, Montana, Alaska and Kansas. There were excited whispers of Joe Biden winning red states like Texas, Florida […]

In The News

Kamala Harris’ American Example

  • October 6, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

Her family is an immigrant success story. So why does she prefer to play victim? Sen. Kamala Harris is an inspiring example of what is possible in America. Her late mother came from India, like my parents, earned a doctorate in endocrinology, and became a breast cancer researcher. Her father came from Jamaica, earned a […]

In The News

Don’t Give In to Democrats’ Supreme Court Extortion

  • September 21, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

If Republicans don’t appoint a new justice, they’ll alienate their most loyal voters. President Trump’s determination to fill the Supreme Court vacancy has enraged Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ominously warns that if Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced and Democrats gain a Senate majority, “nothing is off the table.” It’s not clear what […]

In The News

2020 presidential election is about the future

  • August 24, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

FOX BUSINESS – Former 2016 Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal and Democratic strategist Laura Fink discuss President Trump’s first remarks after securing the delegates for nomination at the Republican National Convention. Watch the interview here. 

In The News

After Trump, a Different GOP

  • August 23, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

Win or lose, the party won’t return to the old orthodoxy. Populist ideas have put down deep roots. Many Beltway Republicans, not to mention Democrats, are eager to move past the Trump era and return to “regular order.” Democrats are measuring the drapes in the Oval Office, with a confident air reminiscent of Hillary Clinton […]

FOX BUSINESS – Former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal (R) responds to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., snapping back at him on Twitter. Watch the interview here. 

In The News

DNC highlights differences between Biden, Democratic base

  • August 19, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

FOX BUSINESS – Former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) discusses some prominent Republicans speaking at the 2020 Democratic National Convention and divisions within the Democrat Party. Watch the interview here. 

In The News

Trump’s coronavirus executive orders ‘not the best way’

  • August 14, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

FOX BUSINESS – Former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal (R) gives President Trump credit for taking action when Congress couldn’t, but he still thinks the best way forward is to pass meaningful legislation. He later congratulates Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., but notes she’s very liberal. Watch the video here. 

In The News

The Biden Bait-and-Switch

  • August 6, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

He runs on normalcy and nostalgia while quietly promising to enact radical policies. Joe Biden is attempting to replicate Nancy Pelosi’s successful 2006 midterm strategy of making the election a referendum on an incumbent Republican president mired in controversy rather than offering a compelling alternative vision. But voters should consider the choice: Mr. Biden quietly […]

Never Trumpers’ short-sightedness has drawn them to bad political bedmates The media have been fascinated with the incredibly rare anti-Trump Republican. While polls find 90% of Republican voters intend to vote for Trump, reporters continue to ignore them and obsess over the rare outliers. These intrepid souls, willing to endure overexposure, are lavished with lucrative […]

Traditional conservatives must incorporate the populists’ genuine concern for working-class Americans before it is too late Joe Biden is already positioned to be the most liberal president in America’s history if he were elected, and yet is still moving further to the left after winning the primary. Yet, the more interesting changes are actually happening within the Republican […]

In The News

Bobby Jindal: How the COVID-19 pandemic will change us

  • June 24, 2020
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  • By Team Jindal

The coronavirus pandemic is changing everything. Liberal partisans confidently predict the pandemic conveniently confirms their long-held beliefs about the need for a larger and stronger central government, with less discretion for local and state governments, much less private actors. They decry Trump for not setting one-size-fits-all federal policies on testing and reopening and belittle the […]

Heed Biden’s Call for Bipartisan Civility In an age of confrontation, his South Carolina victory suggests many voters have an appetite for comity. Joe Biden has been mocked for touting his ability to work with Republicans, and for his optimism that he’ll do the same if elected president. There are good reasons to mock Mr. […]

Democrats Want a Prophet, Not a President They’re increasingly rigid and orthodox, even as Republicans have shown a new flexibility. The Democrats have turned religious. Not in the sense that they espouse a belief in an omnipotent and benevolent Creator or eternal and universal moral principles. They are religious in the sense that they hold […]

How the GOP Can Win on Health Care Voters don’t want the left’s radical plans, but they may settle for them if the right doesn’t offer alternatives. Democratic presidential candidates are repeating one of President Obama’s worst mistakes, one that arguably cost Democrats the 2010 midterms. Rather than focusing on bringing down medical costs—which are […]

In The News

New Article: Trump Wins the Populist Patriots

  • December 20, 2019
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  • By Team Jindal

They see him defending their cultural beliefs from the left and their economic interests from the right. Populist patriots reject the elites of both parties. They believe President Trump defends their cultural beliefs from the left and their economic interests from the right. They see open borders, illegal immigration and multiculturalism threatening to redefine what […]

In The News

New Article: Embracing Chaos in the Trump Era

  • December 20, 2019
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  • By Team Jindal

The angry Left is irrational, the president thrives amid drama, and the media can’t turn away. Buckle up. Trump has an amazing ability to excite both his supporters and his critics; rare is the individual who has not taken a side. His strongest partisans think that Trump can do no wrong, and they show a […]

In The News

Bobby Jindal on CNN: Democrats are hurting America

  • December 20, 2019
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  • By Team Jindal

Bobby Jindal: Democrats are hurting America Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal defends President Trump ahead of the House impeachment vote. Source: CNN

Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously observed that conservatives recognize “culture, not politics, determines the success of a society,” while liberals believe “politics can change a culture and save it from itself.” Yet today’s conservatives and liberals both tend to demand cultural results from political and economic systems. Liberals invest ever more moral meaning into politics, and […]

The Republican National Committee should offer to be the official sponsor of a weekly Democratic presidential debate. There would be no better advertisement for President Trump’s re-election. Every time the Democratic presidential contenders gather together, it’s a contest between the merely delusional, the vaguely vindictive and the patently absurd. Read more…

Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously observed that conservatives recognize “culture, not politics, determines the success of a society,” while liberals believe “politics can change a culture and save it from itself.” Yet today’s conservatives and liberals both tend to demand cultural results from political and economic systems. Liberals invest ever more moral meaning into politics, and […]

Studies consistently show that Republicans give more than Democrats to private charities. But as any liberal will happily tell you, that doesn’t capture the whole picture. The left, they say, is far more generous than the right. It’s just that they don’t express their concern for the disadvantaged via charitable giving. Rather, they raise taxes […]

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House Democrats can begin using their “subpoena cannon” in January to investigate and harass the White House, hoping to convince the nation of President Trump’s unfitness for office—though it is hard to imagine what they could possibly unearth that would be more damaging than what is already known. Alternately, they could try to abolish U.S. […]


Bobby Jindal: Liberalism on Campus Matters

  • December 14, 2018
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  • By Team Jindal

Conservatives, facing an overwhelmingly liberal academic environment, often respond by pointing to their better standing in the business and political spheres, otherwise known as the real world. However, as yesterday’s academic protesters become today’s academic establishment, Marxism and other radical ideas are making a comeback, expanding beyond the ivory towers, and infecting the nation’s political […]

The national leadership of the Democrat party is currently trying to run a content free election this cycle, preferring their platform to be “we are not Trump.” Despite their best efforts to date, and the mainstream media’s lack of curiosity, it is possible to discern from liberal rhetoric what Democrats would do if they capture […]

Proponents of school choice offer many arguments for charter authorizations, vouchers and education tax credits. For parents, the reasons are often straightforward. Some cite better discipline, dress codes and an emphasis on teaching their traditional or religious values. Others mention plentiful school supplies, increased personal attention or a shorter commute to school. Policy analysts may […]

Donald Trump once joked that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes. That may be true—his approval ratings have inched up recently, tweetstorms and Stormy Daniels notwithstanding. But can he be re-elected? He’s unlikely to face an opponent as unpopular and uninspiring as Hillary Clinton in 2020. His best hope may […]

In The News

Wall Street Journal: Republicans’ Quiet Health Victory

  • March 23, 2018
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  • By Team Jindal

When Republicans failed to repeal ObamaCare last year, it recalled the old line about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. That loss, however, should not be allowed to overshadow an important Republican success on health care. Millions of Medicare beneficiaries now get their coverage through private plans under Medicare Advantage—a quiet step forward that […]

In The News

Wall Street Journal: Trump’s Style Is His Substance

  • February 14, 2018
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  • By Team Jindal

You hear it all the time from Trump supporters: “I like a lot of what he’s done, especially the judges and tax cuts. But I wish he’d stop tweeting and picking fights. I wish he acted more presidential and stopped insulting reporters, entertainers, senators, foreign leaders and Gold Star families.” Read the full article here…

In The News

Wall Street Journal: A Look Ahead at the Post-Trump GOP

  • January 31, 2018
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  • By Team Jindal

Barack Obama famously aspired to be transformative like Ronald Reagan rather than incremental like Bill Clinton. What about Donald Trump? His friends and foes alike seem to share only the conviction that he changes everything. But it’s worth considering how lasting his legacy will prove to be. What will happen to the conservative populist movement […]

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