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In The News

The Left’s Attacks on Mike Johnson Can Only Backfire

  • November 21, 2023
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  • Team Jindal

By Bobby Jindal

Liberal Democrats and their allies in the media are beside themselves. The new U.S. House speaker, Mike Johnson (R-La.), must be ridiculed because he simply does not fit into refined Washington culture. He supports Donald Trump, an absolute no-no. He thinks Democrats cheat on elections, tsk-tsk. He is a barbarian who thinks it honorable to protect innocent human life, including unborn babies. He is a Neanderthal who believes in the Second Amendment. Worst of all, he believes in… wait for it… God! Oh, the horror!

The Daily Beast described Mike as “a far-right, election-denying, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, pro-gun, ultra-religious Republican.” This guy must be from a different age, or maybe from flyover country. The press reports with bated breath that he attends church and actually admits to believing in Jesus. What kind of nutjob are we talking about here? Bill Maher mocked Mike’s faith by comparing him to the Maine shooter, suggesting the former’s devotion was not that different from the latter’s “hearing voices.”


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